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Week 7: 52 Week Project, 2014

I like to try and edit these images before posting but I just haven’t had time…I’ve been too busy playing in the snow!  In fact, I’ve been so busy playing in the snow that I almost did not get these pictures taken.  It would have been worth it.

However, I have managed to photograph two things I am grateful for this week.  We have been visiting family now for almost two weeks, something that would not have been possible without homeschooling our children, and have had the opportunity to create some of the BEST and most precious memories of all.  For one, my son made a decision to follow Christ!  I am thrilled to pieces over this.  We have been training him in the teachings of the Bible as best we can, trying to help him understand.  Sometimes he simply gives a “huh, okay” type gesture/sound and goes on as though he hasn’t really heard what was said.  Other times, you can see the wheels turning in his eyes…he’s thinking really hard about what has just been discussed.  I’ve never asked him the, “Do you want to accept Jesus as your Savior?” question b/c I want it to be his decision, not one he is making to make me or others happy.  A very sad reality hit him over these two weeks, presenting an opportunity to help him understand life and death from a Biblical perspective, and he said he would like to accept Jesus as his Savior without being prompted!  Homeschooling helped make this possible.

Not only did homeschooling make it possible to NOT miss two weeks of school due to our visit with family, it also made it possible to not miss school due to TWO snow days!  I know, I know, I’m a mean mommy making my kids do their school work before allowing them to play in the snow (snow that is actually good for playing in)!  But I must say, I have Never seen my son complete his work so willingly before…this snow really  motivated him.

Secondly, I am very grateful for the snow.  Where we live we get sleet.  Maybe every forth year do we get a snow that can be played in, but it’s still only a few inches at best.  🙁  Where our family lives, however, tends to get two or three snows each winter with some depth to it.  And the snow is often perfect for playing in.  I got to go out and see some of the most beautiful scenes ever.  I took time to photograph them so I could share them with you, too.  I also got to have a snowball fight with my son and build a snowman….a real snowman (even though he didn’t have a face) with my family, and watch my kids enjoy this simple pleasure.  Yeah, we were snowed in for three days but who cares when you never get fun snow to play in where you live.  I hope you enjoy the pictures!

On a side note, as much as I enjoyed the snow I am equally excited to announce that it has left us as quickly as it came!  I have always said “I love the snow…to stay a day or maybe two, and then go away!” I am also not predisposed to liking cold weather.  Give me a sunny 75*F – 80*F, with a very slight breeze, any day if you want to make me a happy girl!

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