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Monday’s Fresh Lemonade: Put the Cart Before the Horse

Andrea Crawleys Lemonade Stand r   To begin with, I’d like to thank Andrea Crawley for the use of the beautiful lemonade stand photo!  I intend to use it for each post of Fresh Lemonade so you will be able to easily recognize when there is a new post.  Be sure to check out her images and if you like them, like her facebook page!

So, did anyone find a newborn to photograph this week? Please do share. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a newborn shoot but I did have a session this week with a young lady I have photographed several times before.  It is amazing to look at previous images I have taken of her and compare them to the unedited pictures I took this past week!  It makes me feel good about myself.

Alicia Then and Now

Otherwise, my week has been thoroughly exhausting, mentally.  Financial Peace University Boot Camp, Homeschooling, Bible Readings, Hospital Visit, Church, Business, everything.  It all seemed to be challenging me somehow.  Each addressing the same issue but from a different perspective.  I still haven’t exactly put my finger on the what, but it seems like God saying “Fully Trust Me. Now, go and put the cart before the horse.”  It simply doesn’t make any sense.

Also, we headed out to Camden for Jason to lead worship service at a sister church.  Pastor Brian spoke from Joshua 6-8 concerning the story of Achan.  If you don’t know the story, to summarize, the Israelites have left Egypt, Moses has died and Joshua is now in charge.  They have crossed the Jordan and defeated the great city of Jericho by marching around it for seven days and, basically, screaming!  More accurately, God destroyed the city.  And God had directed them to leave all the spoil from Jericho because it was dedicated to Him.  But Achan got greedy.  He took some items from Jericho and hid them in his tent.

Now, the nation of Israel continued in moving forward to conquer the land promised to them by God and spied out the city of Ai.  And figuring they only needed two to three thousand men to conquer the city, they headed out for battle only to be run off and have 36 of their men killed.  Now, they go to God and God reveals the sin of Achan.  Achan is dealt with and God sends the Israelites back to Ai for a successful conquest of the city; from which they are now allowed the plunder the spoil.

It is an amazing story of how sin affects us.  Even the sin of someone we’ve never met and do not know can affect us.  Our own sin can have dire results for someone not even associated directly with us!  It is a stark reminder of how severely we need to deal with the sin in our own lives, to remove it.  (Read the story in Joshua 6-8 since I have left out a lot details. Click here to read it in English Standard Version – from this link you will also have the option to change versions to your preference )

This week is fairly open for me except for Homeschooling.  Monday is free since it is Memorial Day and I want my children to acknowledge all those who have sacrificed greatly so that we may be free.  Then, for the rest of the week, my son will take a peek at multiplication before we end the school year.  All this year I have not bothered to take him that far because I wanted to make sure he could remember and apply, from day to day & worksheet to worksheet, the skills he was learning with addition and math.  But we’ll start off SUPER easy with The Rule of Zero.  I think he will pick this one up pretty quickly but I’ll wait about a week anyway to move on to the ones.  My daughter will start reading in The Hobbit.  And she’ll create a fakebook page for Bilbo and keep it up as she reads the book!  It should be interesting to see what stands out to her.

We have been unexpectedly blessed with the gift of a canvas print!  So, to get the image to be printed, I am also planning a photo shoot with my son this week!  I’m super excited about it.  I would like for my daughter to be involved in the shoot but she doesn’t seem to be very interested; I guess I have worn her out with my camera.

I wanna’ know what you have learned this past week and what you’re expecting from your upcoming week!  Please share and be sure to include your photos from this past week, too; it doesn’t have to be newborns!


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